✨ Mastermelt’s Mission: Join Us in Making a Difference ✨
In celebration of Mastermelt’s 40th anniversary and as part of our charitable initiative, we have partnered with Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) to raise funds through participation in the following events.
♀️ 2 x 10k Race
♂️ London -Brighton bike ride.
Every donation, big or small, can make a real difference. Please donate today and be a part of something truly impactful.
Donation link here: www.justgiving.com/campaign/mastermelt
☀️ CALM: The suicide prevention charity on a mission to help people end their misery, not their lives. Every day in the UK we lose 18 people to suicide.
Calm provides life-saving services, information and advice to help anyone struggling with life navigate the issues that can make us feel miserable. CALM’s vision is that no one feels like suicide is their only option. But right now, too many people are struggling to see a way forward.